Friday, September 25, 2009

A Tree and a Starfield

I'll let you decide which one is which

-Alex Out

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some artwork

All those years of hardcore nesquik indulgence finally got to Alex
Okay, just some un sorted art work here
Been kind of busy of late, but it seems that the holidays are fast approaching and we will soon be basking in the glory of some new found utopia... for all of two weeks.
So until then, have some artwork

A doodle I edited up and decided to show you. The legs a fair clunky, but beyond that I liked this one a fair bit. The pose was a first, so it's okay that it looks a bit weird :D

-Alex Out

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Something to do with projects that I'm working on atm

Phew, it's getting harder to start these blogs with " something" :P.
Anyways, I just wanted to list some stuff I really want to work on and give a little bit of detail on it. So, if you know me, you'd know that I don't just draw but I also play music and I'm a interested in doing some sort of movie and some point. So I'm gonna list what I want to acheive in the next few months below here, and give a bit of detail on each of them.

-1) - A Musical called Don't Dance with the Devil

Writing the music with a freind, but I haven't started scripting. Gotta get on to that soon. Basically a pipe dream at the moment, but I really want to write this musical. Basically it revolves around about 6 charecter who have all sold their soul to devil,for various reasons, and are invited to hell by Lucifer himself to try and win their souls back. They must complete various trials or be doomed to hell for an extended sentence. It's not your average musical, as it revolves around more tradgedy and human flaws than say comedy or heart warming romances.
All the charecters are really flawed, and really not exactly the top class of people in the world, more leaning towards the "bottom of the barrel" side of life.

-2)- My band, Rorschach
Currently, we only have two members, but we have a few people we got lined up for other positions and were just working on a couple of songs before we ask them. I'm hoping for this one, because it's something I really want to do. The music is kind of grunge meets heavy rock/classic rock with a bit of other stuff. Basically Nirvana+AC/DC+ Radiohead (hopefully). The name is pronounced raw-shack and is named after the charecter from Watchmen, who is named after the psychological test. So should be fun. Watch this space.

-3)- Zombie Movie
Yes, that's right,I want to make a zombie movie. Well more of a series of short, 10 minute, films about a group of survivours who have to try and make their way to an evac point by the end of the month, before the country is completley blocked off to contain the infection. You standard Zombie fair, with the grizzled war vet, the nerdy sarcastic guy, the girl and the charismatic leader. Thing is, I have no experience with camera work so I'd have to bring someone on board for it, and maybe someone else to help with effects. I'll look into. Also I'm gonna need alot of extras, so should be fun. Contact me @ if you're interested and live in Adelaide.

-4)- Fly to the Moon, tame a Unicorn, and punch out an Octupus

( watch this space)

- Alex Out

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some sketches,

Nothing major, just some sketches I did last night or the night before.

Yeah, just some basic charecter concepts, just mucking about, practicing poses and body shape.

-All is well

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Something Special

Hello boys and girls.
Today I would like to talk about something, or someone, really special to me. Recently she's been through some shit no-one wants to go through but has to. I won't say what. But, regardless of how much she denies it, she is brave. Braver than most people I know, myself included. And yeah, she may falter ( we all do) but I will never doubt her for one second. She's got heart.

And, when she's ready for it, I'll be there to hold her up.

She asked me not to get her a birthday present, which most of you would find quite reedonkuless, but I said I wouldn't. Thing is, I already halfway made it. So, as an early birthday present and because she needs some massive cheering up, and I hope this helps.

I was gonna put that on a tee for her, and will if she still wants it.